G G M u d

...a new powerful, opensource and multiplatform MUD client.


With the Preferences menu option (in the Options menu) you can specify settings that affect the GGMud visual behaviour. Here we are going to explain the meaning of every option you can choose in this panel.

GGMUD preferences options
Option nameDescription
Keep Text Entered If you enable this option once you hit RETURN/ENTER to send your line to the MUD the line will be selected, so that if you type something the line will be replaced with the new text you type, but if you press ENTER again you will send the text once more to the MUD. If you don't select this line your input line will be blanked every time after you push ENTER.
Echo text If you select this option the text you send to the mud will be printed in yellow in the output window, this is true also for the commands activated by triggers not directly typed, also aliases that contain more than one command will be expanded and you'll see in the output window all the commands you are REALLY sending to the MUD.
Word Wrap If you select this option lines longer than the width of your output window will be splitted and the missing part of the line will be shown in the following line, the alternative (with this option unchecked) is to show in the output window only the visible part of the line.
Text blinking This option enable blinking ANSI colors that are often used in MUDs, this option is disabled by default since it's quite CPU intensive, expecially in the WIN32 version of the client. So if you have a slow machine and you have problems with scrolling speed keep it disabled.
Emit Beeps This option let you choose if you want that the ANSI "beep" sequence will produce a system beep on your computer or not, the beep may be produced by the speaker or by your audiocard, depending on your operative system's settings.
Use tick counter Combat oriented muds often divide the time in ticks to simulate mana and health regenerations, so it may be very useful to know WHEN the tick occurs. The tick counter feature is made to help you with this. The counter is on the bottom right corner of the main window, you must sync it with the #tz command to start it, more about this in this section.
Tick length The length of the tick counter, this may vary from mud to mud, for instance in Diku-based muds is often 75 seconds. To synchronize the tick counter with the MUD the best way is to define a few triggers on spell flickering and enviromental messages (day/night/rain...), for example:

#action {white aura starts to flicker} {#tz}
#action {day has begun} {#tz}
#action {night has come} {#tz}

More about this in this section.

Lua startup script This is the path for a LUA script to be loaded at the program startup, very useful if you define many of your trigger/aliases through the GGMud LUA interface, if you don't use LUA or you prefer to load your scripts with the #script command leave this field empty.
Review lines This value identify the number of lines kept in the review buffer, you can access the review buffer, for a quick peek with the drag bar in the main window, if you need to examine it more carefully you can press the TAB key or the Review button (the one with the page icon in the bottom right corner of the client window) to split the main window in two views, with the first one that does not scroll when mud outputs occur.

Having a large review buffer may be useful because, if you want, you can save the buffer to disk to produce a clean log, without having to remember to start logging. You can perform this action with the Save Review Buffer menu item in the Options menu.

Remember that having a huge review buffer may slow down your scroll speed, if you don't have a recent machine.

Save variables This option forces GGMud to save variables every time you quit the program. This can be very useful if you have triggers that use statistical variables like "skill counters".

More about this in this section.

Preferences window

Show/hide Toolbar, Show/hide macro buttons and Show/hide statusbar let you.... show hide the corresponding element of the GUI interface (wow, what a surpise! :-) ).

Since GGMud primary objective is to give a wider area possible to display the MUD output these (not so useful) GUI elements are disabled by default.

Now let's look at some of the others Options menu items:

GGMud preferences are saved together with color informations in the file Preference both for OSX and unixes, since Win32 use a slightly different format (the paths have inverted slashes) this file is saved to a different file ggmud.prf, the directory is $HOME/.ggmud in unixes and Mac and INSTALLATION_PATH/bin in Windows systems. The file is an ASCII file and is easily editable by hand if needed.

NOTE: Since colors and generic preferences are saved to a single file if you hit Save on the Preferences window or in the Color window you will save anyway all these settings.

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